HR Wallingford Training Course Set for March

Business & Finance

HR Wallingford is about to organize a one-day training course, named Introduction to Coastal Structures, that will introduce the key issues of coastal processes and design methods for coastal structures.

The design of coastal structures needs to address many factors to ensure long-term effectiveness and stability. This includes an understanding of wave loads, wave characteristics, engineering design and coastal processes.

This one-day course explains the key issues of coastal processes and design methods for coastal structures, including seawalls, breakwaters, vertical walls, piers and jetties.

Course content:

  • An introduction to the key issues in coastal engineering, vulnerabilities of different coastlines (developed and natural) and the key drivers for flooding/erosion threats;
  • The effects of encounter probability, wave forecasting, wave transformations and depth-limited breaking;
  • Simple methods to estimate wave loads and how to predict wave overtopping, crest level calculation and armor size determination.

The training course will take place on March 3rd 2016, at the Howbery Business Park in Wallingford, UK.

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