Carolina Yacht Club Dredging Project up for Comments

Business & Finance

The Carolina Yacht Club has submitted an application to the Department of the Army for a ten-year permit to perform maintenance dredging in Charleston County, South Carolina.

The proposed work consists of performing maintenance dredging of a maximum of 15,000 cubic yards of sediment annually over a 5.3 acre area at the existing marina basin at the Carolina Yacht Club.

The purpose of the project is to reduce navigational hazards and facilitate on-going and future use of the waterfront site as a marina for private vessels.

According to the proposal, dredging will be performed by hydraulic pipeline dredge or by clamshell dredge utilizing an excavator and barge with the dredged material to be disposed at the Drum Island, Daniel Island, or Morris Island Disposal Area.

In order to give all interested parties an opportunity to express their views, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District, will be receiving comments on the proposed work until March 31, 2016.

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