Sea Defense Repairs Completed at Southsea

Business & Finance


Work to repair the damaged sea defenses at Southsea seafront has now been completed and the promenade has re-opened in time for the Easter weekend.

​Portsmouth City Council, the Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership, Colas and Mackley have worked hard since the sea wall failed on Boxing Day, to stabilize and then repair the sea defenses.

The hole appeared when a section of the sea defenses collapsed following bad weather and high tides overnight on Christmas Day.

Councillor Rob New, Portsmouth City Council’s Cabinet member for Environment and Community Safety, said: “I am really pleased that the emergency repair work has been completed on time and the promenade has reopened for the bank holiday weekend.”

The Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership (ESCP) are currently engaged in a 10 year project, including developing the necessary sea defenses that will reduce the risk of coastal flooding to homes and businesses in the Southsea area. This incident has really highlighted our need for the strong coastal defenses this work will look to provide,” he added.

Project update:

  • Coastal defense work has been completed in the north of the island around Anchorage Park;
  • Work on the east side of the Eastern Road re-starts next month – work was timed to avoid the nesting season;
  • In May, work is due to start on the delivery of new coastal defenses to Milton Common;
  • Currently consulting on the initial plans for the Portchester to Paulsgrove Coastal Defense Scheme, which includes Southampton Road. Detailed plans will be consulted on in the summer with work due to start in early 2017.