TSHD Charlock Fitted Out with Damen Dredge Pumps

Business & Finance
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Damen recently equipped Van den Herik’s new 3,200 m³ trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Charlock with its two dredge pumps.

One semi-axial dredge pump is fitted on the trailing pipe, the other dredge pump is mounted inboard. Both dredge pumps work in series, enabling a highly efficient dredging process.

The semi-axial dredge pump is a new addition to the wide Damen dredge pump range.

As for all Damen dredge pumps, it has been designed for the harsh dredging environment with special focus on minimizing wear and maximizing efficiency. The semi-axial dredge pump installed on the Charlock, type OBP9080HA, has various advantages for the owner.

Its weight is relatively limited, reducing the required hoisting capacities of the gantries and winches on board.

The cast dredge pump wear parts have been designed in close cooperation with the foundry.

All cast elements, including the 2-parted pump casing, have been dimensioned optimizing the foundry process boosting the casting accuracy and reducing the risk on mis-casts. Hence, the quality of the cast parts is improved. The various wear parts can be cast in different materials depending on the material to be dredged.

The semi-axial dredge pump will work in series with the Damen inboard dredge pump, type BP8065MD.