Copenhagen Hosts Young CEDA Meeting

Business & Finance

Young CEDA Commission’s first meeting in the year was hosted by CEDA Corporate Member DHI in Copenhagen.

Members of the Commission were welcomed by Ida Broker, Member of the CEDA Board, Klavs Bundgaard, member of the CEDA Environment Commission and Anders Jensen former CEDA President.

With four new people present (1 from France and 3 from Denmark) it was a productive meeting which resulted – amongst others – a full plan of events for the year – keeping in with Young CEDA’s mission, which is to provide a network for students and young professionals, to inform them about working in the dredging and marine construction industry.

The following events are planned for 2016:

  • Belgium: combined lecture and site visit on offshore wind projects in October;
  • Germany: site visit to the Port of Hamburg and dredging related activities, planned for October;
  • Denmark: presentation during course lectures at DTU and DHI;
  • the UK: seminar with the subject “Thames as a highway for river traffic” in London in September; and
  • the Netherlands: two evening seminars at the end of May / early June at the Universities of Delft and Twente to inform students about working in the dredging and marine construction industry.

Further, an excursion is planned for the autumn to Royal IHC where a new jumbo cutter suction dredger and a dual fuel engine TSHD are being constructed.

The day ended with a tour around the DHI complex.