West Midland Canals to Get Makeover This Winter

Business & Finance

The Canal and River Trust has just introduced a plan which includes £1.8 million worth of improvements to the historic network of canals across the West Midlands.

The work, needed to preserve and protect the 383 miles of waterway in the West Midlands region, is due to start in November and be completed by the end of March, ready for the start of the new boating season.

“The waterways across the West Midlands are a real gem, but they are over 200-years old so need plenty of looking after,” said Simon Turner, from the Trust.

“Keeping things running requires constant maintenance, so we’re using this winter period, when there are fewer boats travelling on the canal, to get as much done as we can.”

The works form part of the winter maintenance program, through which £43 million is being spent to give the nation’s waterways some TLC at a time when more people than ever are visiting their local canal or river.