Two New Members Join Great Lakes Board

Business & Finance

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation (GLDD) today announced that Lawrence R. Dickerson and D. Michael Steuert have been appointed to the Board of Director’s 2019 director class, effective January 24, 2017.

Mr. Dickerson has been appointed to the Compensation Committee, and Mr. Steuert has been appointed to the Audit Committee.

With the addition of Messrs, Dickerson and Steuert, the Board will expand to nine members. The Board is expected to be reduced to eight members as of the 2017 Annual Meeting, reported GLDD.

The Company also announced today that current Board Member Peter Deutsch has elected to withdraw his name from consideration for the 2017 slate of nominees.

Robert B. Uhler, P.E., Chairman of the Board, commented, “Larry and Mike bring a wealth of relevant valuable experience to the GLDD Board. I am confident each will contribute to the GLDD Board and to management’s goal of delivering long-term shareholder value for the Company.

Mr. Uhler added that these appointments follow GLDD previous announcements of Lasse Petterson and Ryan Levenson joining the Great Lakes Board in late December.