All Seasons Marina Dredging Plan on the Table

Business & Finance

All Seasons Marina (within Neshaminy State Park) proposes to perform maintenance dredging, by hydraulic (cutterhead – pipeline) method, within an existing marina basin, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, announced.

The applicant is seeking a 10- year maintenance permit, with an initial dredging followed by up to three more dredging events over the ten years.

Under this plan, the initial dredging would remove a maximum of 21,000 cubic yards to a design depth of -4 feet at mean low water (MLW), with up to 2 feet of allowable over-dredge, for a maximum dredging depth of -6 feet (MLW).

The area initially proposed for dredging is approximately 2.73 acres out of the 13.9-acre basin.

With up to 21,000 cubic yards dredged in each follow-up maintenance event within the basin, the maximum volume to be dredged over 10 years would be 84,000 cubic yards.

The proposed disposal site is an existing 6.4-acre confined disposal facility (CDF) located on the property immediately to the east of the marina basin and parking lot.

Public comment deadline is on June 16, 2017, USACE said.

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