USACE Extends Comment Period for Lower Pool 4

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is extending the public comment period for its draft Environmental Assessment for its Lower Pool 4 dredged material management plan until July 14.

According to the Corps, USACE decided to extend the public comment period after listening to community concerns about its draft plan. The new deadline allows more time for the public to understand the document and provide alternative suggestions.

The draft plan outlines Corps’ requirement to remove and permanently place more than 10 million cubic yards of dredged material from the Mississippi River’s Lower Pool 4 during the next 40 years.

The plan, once finalized, will serve as the framework for maintaining the 9-foot navigation channel.

The draft plan was originally released May 11 with a public comment period thru June 9. The comment period was then extended thru June 23. With the new extension, the comment period will now remain open thru July 14.