EPA Extends Comment Period for Woburn Scheme

Business & Finance

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a cleanup plan for the Wells G&H Superfund Site, Southwest Properties, Operable Unit (OU4).

“EPA has been asked to extend the comment period, and will do so. The comment period will now be a total of 62 days and be open until September 13, 2017,” the agency said in its release.

The cleanup proposal is detailed in a document called a Proposed Plan and gives specifics on the cleanup actions for soil, groundwater, non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) and wetland contamination at the Wells G&H Southwest Properties.

Some of those details include:

  • Excavation and offsite disposal of contaminated soil and NAPL, and capping of contaminated soil;
  • Excavation, offsite disposal of contaminated sediments, and wetland restoration;
  • Containment and cleanup of groundwater contaminants;
  • Long term monitoring;
  • Institutional controls.

The Wells G&H Superfund Site contains five source area properties within an approximately 330-acre area located in Woburn MA.

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