York Flood Alleviation Scheme on Display

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency will today host a drop in session for residents in Clementhorpe to discuss plans for the £45 million York Flood Alleviation Scheme.

Options for the first cell of the new flood defenses (Skeldergate Bridge, along Terry Avenue, past Millennium Bridge) will be on show from 2-8pm at Clementhorpe Community Center in York.

After the floods in December 2015, the government committed £45 million to reduce the risk of flooding and increase the level of protection to at least 2,000 homes in York’s city center over the next few years.

During the last year, the Environment Agency assessed what changes could be made to the existing flood defenses within the city and what new defenses could be built.

The plan outlines the work across 10 York communities over the next 5 years. It looks at a range of potential flood reduction measures including:

  • creating storage areas;
  • increasing pumping capacity;
  • raising and building new walls;
  • raising land;
  • building embankments.