Newhaven Scheme Puts Focus on the East Bank

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency, in partnership with Lewes District Council, is working on the Newhaven flood alleviation scheme, designed to provide a 1-in-200-year standard of protection.

Following completion of the work on the west bank of the River Ouse, the EA is now shifting focus on the east bank.

Area 1: A26 to Energy Recovery Facility, currently under construction

The Environment Agency is building two clay-cored bunds to reduce the flood risk to properties on the east bank from the upstream flood plain. One bund starts near the A26 junction with the B2109 and extends roughly 500 meters west across the flood plain, where it will tie into a new railway flood gate built near the existing pedestrian crossing.

The second bund will tie into the western side of the flood gate and extend to the Energy Recovery Facility. The crest of the bunds will be at the same level along the entire length.

The bunds are scheduled to be complete this spring.

Area 2: Energy Recovery Facility to Swing Bridge, (East), currently under construction

Area 2 extends approximately 850 meters along the East Quay from the Energy Recovery Facility to the Swing Bridge (East). The EA has recently built a concrete flood wall between EMR and the Swing Bridge.

Contractors have started to remove some material from land occupied by EMR and skip it to give contractors the working area required to build a flood wall. These enabling works should be completed by April 2018 with the construction of the flood wall finished by summer 2018.

Area 3: Riverside Park to the Swing Bridge (West), construction complete

The Environment Agency has constructed a 150-meter-long bund north of Cantell’s boatyard and this will protect homes to the west. This work is now complete. Denton Island works are now complete with the pedestrian footpath and cycle paths now open.

Area 4: Swing Bridge (West) to West Quay, construction complete

Work within Area 4 started in January 2017 and was completed in June 2017.

A 140-meter-long reinforced concrete wall has been constructed from the south west side of the swing bridge to a point adjacent to the Ark pub.

A short section (about 20 meters) of bund has been constructed in West Quay, raised by around 250 millimeters. This bund is complete, and the flood fence is operational.

In Huggett’s Green the low-level grass bund at the rear of Huggett’s Green has been realigned and raised to meet flood protection standards. The total length of the bund is approximately 150 meters and it ties into the footpath near the promenade to the south.

Flood defenses in Area 5 (the Environment Agency photo)

Area 5: Swing Bridge (East) to Newhaven Beach, currently under construction

Area 5 extends from the Swing Bridge (east) along East Quay towards Newhaven Beach to a distance of approximately 1.3 kilometers. Planning permission is in place and detailed design is substantially complete, with some elements of the complex flood defense in the port area remaining to be finalized.

Works have been completed from the swing bridge to the University Technical College, which is of a combination of reinforced concrete walls and Gabion basket walls with earth facing on the riverward side.

According to the EA, the whole scheme is due to be completed by autumn 2019.