Nigerian Dredging Summit Takes Place in Abuja

Business & Finance

The 12th Nigerian Dredging Summit and Exhibition is set to take place from September 24 – 28, 2018, in the Rockview Hotel in Abuja.

Nigerian seaport operations have made tremendous strides in recent years although the main challenge now includes adaptations for pre-eminence amongst rival West Africa ports.

Since 2017, problems arising from traffic gridlock at Apapa – the major port gateway city of Nigeria – have beset the promising future of Nigeria’s maritime trade.

If not well-handled, this could truncate the natural position of Nigerian ports, in the long-run, as the preferred ports for the huge Nigerian market, in favor of competitors such as ports in Cotonou, Lome, Tema and Abidjan.

This problem is the main theme of the 12th Nigerian Dredging Summit and Exhibition.