Alia Instruments, Plusflow Skandinavia Join Forces

Business & Finance

Alia Instruments, a Twente based builder of production monitoring equipment for the maritime and mining industry, has just announced that Plusflow Skandinavia started to introduce the non-nuclear Alia Density Meter to the Nordic market from October 2018.

Michael Ebmark

Plusflow Scandinavia has already full focus on delivering solutions for difficult applications where the medium is aggressive, abrasive and the density is an important parameter.

Plusflow is owned by Michael Ebmark, who has a background in the composite industry with solutions for highly demanding applications, such as scrubber and special chemical tanks.

This agreement between Alia Instruments and Plusflow Skandinavia gives both partners a unique opportunity to offer Alia Instruments’ outstanding NON-nuclear Density Meter to a variety of applications in Mining, Metal, Cement, Pulp & Paper,” Alia said.

According to the company, this equipment can be used in the wet mining process, as part of the production meter, where the combination of both values provides valuable data about the efficiency of the dredging process.

The meters also work very well in the slurry streams of the drainage processes in mining of various metals and minerals.