TSHD Samuel de Champlain Conversion Continues

Business & Finance

Construction works continue on the 8.500m³ trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Samuel de Champlain, which is being converted from diesel-electric propulsion burning MGO to dual-fuel capability combining LNG and MGO.

The conversion of this hopper dredger to a dual fuel propulsion combining LNG and MGO is the first of its kind in Europe.

Currently, the “Samuel de Champlain”, belonging to French EIG Dragages-Ports, is in its 3 month conversion process to dual fuel dredger.

The hopper dredger has been in dock for 4 weeks now and its entire engine room has been cut out. The new engine room has been put into place earlier this month.

This fully prefabricated new engine room, featuring 10x12x2m and weighing some 110t, had been prepared previously by the Damen Shiprepair Dunkirk workshops.

The fully outfitted new section is to be welded into the existing hull, after which the extensive job or redoing all connections will start.

According to the contractors who are working on the vessel, the job is going well, with all actions spot on schedule with the Damen Shiprepair Dunkirk team working 24/7 on the job. The estimated delivery time of the dual fuel conversion will be the end of January, 2019.

It is the front runner in the general desire for short-sea vessels operating along the European coast to act more environmental friendly.