Team Van Oord Enters Final Phase of Shoreham Adur Scheme

Business & Finance

With work nearly complete, Team Van Oord said in its latest release that they are entering the final phase of the Shoreham Adur Tidal Walls scheme.

Image source: Team Van Oord

The Shoreham scheme is being carried out by Team Van Oord on behalf of the Environment Agency, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership, Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council.

Work on site started in October 2016, and when fully complete will significantly reduce flood risk to more than 2,300 properties in Shoreham and East Lancing – as well as protecting important local infrastructure including the road network, railway line and Shoreham Airport.

The scheme is separated into 10 reaches, or lengths of the estuarine bank. The new defenses include steel sheet piling, concrete walls, flood glass and earth embankments.

This scheme was largely complete by the end of 2018, with Team Van Oord returning to site in January and February 2019 to carry out the final works at W5 (Riverbank – houseboat reach) and W7 (Shoreham Airport).

During November 2018, the project team hosted a series of workshops on flooding and flood defences, during which the Beavers were introduced to the equipment and materials used to build defences, before venturing out to see the defence at the Scout Hut.

There have also been a number of school visits, with close to 400 pupils from eight local schools visiting during the two-year construction period.