Final Funding for Three LA Coastal Protection Projects

Business & Finance

Gov. John Bel Edwards yesterday announced that the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) will be using an innovative financing strategy for the three important coastal protection projects.

Photo courtesy of CPRA

The strategy will provide $18.5 million to fully fund the Grand Bayou Flood gate – a critical component of the Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection System, fund $35 million for a pump station at the head of Bayou Lafourche, providing fresh water to over 300,000 residents of Assumption, Ascension, Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes and invest $5 million for the Larose to Golden Meadow Hurricane Protection System.

The $18.5 million floodgate on Grand Bayou in Lafourche Parish will close the largest remaining gap in the extensive Morganza to the Gulf system of levees and flood protection structures that span Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes.

When federal funding was rejected for the Morganza system, the residents of Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes put their money where their mouths were and taxed themselves to get construction started. Because of this local commitment, they have already invested $234 million of local dollars in this critically important system,” said CPRA Chairman Chip Kline. ”The State of Louisiana has put up $214 million, and we are adding to that with this crucial $18.5 million project.”

State Representative Truck Gisclair commented, “Our State’s investment in the Grand Bayou project is needed to eventually complete the last link from the Morganza to the Gulf levee system and South Lafourche’s levee system, providing protection for tens of thousands of residents from Lafourche, Terrebonne Parishes and beyond.”

State Representative and CPRA board member Tanner Magee called the announced construction “A momentous step to protecting Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes.”

According to the officials, the South Lafourche Levee District which will receive an additional $5 million of those freed-up dollars this year to bolster protection for the Larose to Golden Meadow Hurricane Protection System.