CPRA, Grand Isle Independent Levee District Join Forces

The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) has signed a partnership agreement with the Grand Isle Independent Levee District to close a large gap in the protective breakwater alignment on the bayside of Grand Isle.

CPRA Board Chairman Chip Kline and Grand Isle Mayor David Camardelle, Image source: la.gov

The estimated $6.5 million project will be fully funded by the CPRA.

According to their official announcement, the Levee District will manage the construction of segmented breakwaters, closing an approximately one mile gap in protection infrastructure along the island.

CPRA Board Chairman Chip Kline and David Camardelle, Mayor of Grand Isle and President of the Grand Isle Independent Levee District, signed the Intergovernmental Agreement in Baton Rouge days after the passage of Hurricane Barry.

The Levee District will construct an access channel and lay down an estimated 28,651 square yards of geotextile fabric on the bayside water bottom as the base for 62,426 tons of rock riprap that will form 17 breakwater structures, each measuring 350 feet in length.

An additional segment will be placed adjacent to the Highway 1 Bridge at the entrance to Grand Isle.

It is expected that the construction will begin in September.