Duxbury Seeks Corps Permit to Replace Town’s Seawall

Business & Finance

The Town of Duxbury, MA, Department of Public Works, is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ New England District to conduct work in waters of the U.S. in conjunction with replacement of a seawall that was damaged by storms in 2018 in Duxbury, Massachusetts.

Image source: USACE

The work, proposed on Duxbury Beach in Duxbury, involves the replacement of a 950-linear-foot section of seawall that failed during the March 2018 winter storms.

According to the USACE’s latest announcement, the replacement seawall will have an elevation of 24.5 feet above mean low water (MLW), which is 4.8 feet greater than the current average seawall elevation.

The work is proposed to begin in the fall of 2019 and conclude in the spring of 2020.

The replacement seawall will be constructed with a deeper and wider footing than the existing seawall in order to accommodate for the additional height. The proposed footing will include a 2-foot deep by 12-foot wide concrete base supported by a 1-foot-deep by 12.5-foot-wide crushed stone area and 950 linear feet of 12-inch steel sheet piles.

USACE said that these sheet piles will be driven to a depth of 10 feet, and remain beneath the seawall, in order to reinforce the seawall and prevent undermining.

The deadline for submitting the comments on this project is August 30.