Wicomico River Dredging Starts Soon

Business & Finance
Image source: Bob Culver Wicomico County Executive

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District has just announced that Wicomico River dredging operations are about to begin in Maryland.

Crews under contract with the Army Corps will soon be dredging the upper portion of the Wicomico River to ensure vessels can continue safely carrying fuel, materials and agricultural supplies to and from Eastern Shore communities, reported USACE.

Last Monday, the dredge that will perform this project arrived on the scene. Right after her arrival, crews started the assembly of pipes that will carry the material from the river to the Sharps Point dredge site.

During the project, the dredge will remove roughly 100,000 cubic yards of material from the channel to ensure continued safe navigation along the federal channel.

If all goes according to plan, the whole project is expected to be completed before spring of 2020.