DOP250 with Cutter Cleaning Romanian Harbor

Business & Finance

In the Romanian harbor of Galati, certain spots were in urgent need of maintenance dredging.

Image source: Damen

For this dredging project, a Damen DOP dredge package was recently shipped to the site.

The Port of Galati is located on the Danube river. Being the second largest port of Romania, the harbor needs regular dredging to keep the depths between -7m and -9m. The ongoing siltation of the harbor was tackled by the DOP dredge pump system.

According to Damen, the complete dredging package was delivered within 2 weeks.

The complete dredging system included a DOP250 fitted out with a cutter unit. The DOP and cutter unit were driven by a diesel-hydraulic power pack.

The dredge pump deposited the removed sludge into a split hopper, which disposed of the dredged materials outside the harbor.

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