Alternative routes for contaminated sediments

Authorities & Government

The British Ports Association (BPA) has published a white paper with Augean on alternative routes for dealing with dredged contaminated sediments.

Part of the BPA’s Port Futures thought leadership programme, the paper provides an insight into alternative disposal routes for contaminated sediments.

Dredging is a major part of most ports’ conservancy efforts and is critical to ensuring safe navigation for vessels. The ports industry is highly competitive and changes to regulation are a key factor in infrastructure costs.

As Government is reviewing this regulation, generally with a view to tightening it and adding costs, the BPA is committed to exploring interesting and innovative alternatives.

Commenting, Mark Simmonds, Head of Policy & External Affairs, at the British Ports Association said:

“Many of the BPA’s 100+ port members have significant duties and responsibilities for conservancy and dredging and many will have experience in dealing with contaminated sediments. Often this is the legacy of past industrial activity that ports today need to manage carefully. The BPA works closely with Government on environmental matters, advising on the impact of policy decisions and acting as a conduit between officials and industry.”

David Bumpstead, of Augean Plc said:

“The maritime industry is facing a potential change in technical policy with reference to the classification of material suitable for disposal at sea. We have teamed up with the BPA to offer this white paper, detailing the processes used at our own facilities, demonstrating how contaminated materials can be treated in a compliant, cost effective and efficient way.”

Read the Report: Alternative Routes for Contaminated Sediments