Ala Wai Canal dredging update

The State of Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has just released the latest update on their Ala Wai Canal dredging project, saying that in order to reduce nighttime impacts of the dredging work, DLNR is changing work hours, effective immediately.

Jeremy van Bronckhorst

The $21 million dredging and canal improvements project started last October and not only involves dredging accumulated silt and sediments from the Ala Wai but also includes the repair of two sections of wall.

The dredging depths varies between -12.0’ and -6.0’ mean lower low water, and the estimated total volume of dredging work and material is 186,000 cubic yards. This dredged material is being disposed at an EPA South Oahu Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site. 

The project contractor, Hawai‘i Harbors Constructors JV, will continue taking decibel measurements during dredging operations to ensure that noise levels are within those permitted, said DLNR.

The long-term benefits of this project include maintaining the ability of the canal to efficiently convey storm water flows to the ocean to reduce the risk of flooding and improving the aesthetics and use of the canal for recreational users. The work is scheduled to be completed by this late this year or in early 2021.