Piper: LNP to deliver solution for One Mile Creek

Business development

A new Liberal National Party Government will deliver a sustainable solution to a long running problem by directing Ports North to assume responsibility for the future maintenance of the canal at One Mile Creek.

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LNP Candidate for Hinchinbrook, Scott Piper, along with Queensland LNP Senator, Susan McDonald, made the announcement in Cardwell last week, along with a funding contribution of up to $2.5 million, to ensure the remedial dredging gets done.

Mr Piper also said that the public boat ramp at One Mile Creek – just south of Cardwell – was a key piece of public infrastructure for recreational and commercial boaties across the region.

“This is the second state election at which the LNP will offer this long term solution to the people of the Hinchinbrook electorate – it’s a carefully considered policy that recognises a short-term Band-Aid approach won’t solve the problem,” said Mr Piper.

“By directing Ports North to take responsibility for the maintenance of the canal going forward, the LNP policy seeks to ensure that all-tide access to the access to the public boat ramp at One Mile Creek will be restored and maintained.”

“Ports North has the capacity to engage dredging contractors to undertake the necessary works as part of it normal annual maintenance program across the region – this proposal ends the uncertainty for local boaties and the local community,” concluded Mr Piper.

LNP Senator, Susan McDonald, added that the commitment by the Queensland LNP of up to $2.5 million through the Queensland Government Marine Infrastructure Fund, would complement the $1.5 million delivered by the Federal LNP Government.