CHEC takes on another project in Senegal

Project & Tenders

Local and state officials in Senegal recently held the inauguration ceremony for the Port of St. Louis dredging and beacon project.


Among others, Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy, Aliou Endo, and Minister of Infrastructure and Mayor of St. Louis, Monso Fai attended the ceremony.

During the ceremony, Monso pointed out that the government of Senegal has always attached great value to the concerns of fishermen. He also expressed his hopes that the project will be completed as soon as possible so as to effectively reduce the safety risks of fishermen when traveling through the channel.

On the other hand, Aliou reviewed the safety concerns caused by the channel and estuary to fishermen in the past 10 years and introduced the specific location of the project to the local people. He said that upon completion, the project will greatly improve the navigational conditions of the estuary and channel of Port of St. Louis and the channel of Poland Port.

Following their speeches, Monso and Aliou took a boat tour of the area and the dredging vessels to learn more about the preparatory work for the implementation of the project.

They both expressed their gratitude for China Harbour Engineering Company’s (CHEC) deployment of resources in the shortest possible time to ensure the early start of the construction project. They said that CHEC has been deeply grounded in the West African market for many years and has a strong professional ability and good brand reputation.

In total, the Port of St. Louis project in Senegal includes dredging and widening of the 10.2km-long channel; and installation of 72 navigation marks.

The total amount of dredging material to be removed during the works is about 1,314,000m3 with the construction period of 3.5 months.