Siport21 redesigns Port of Huelva inner channel

Business development

Huelva Port Authority is currently considering the construction of an Urban Marina in Levante Dock, in the upstream area of the estuary, Siport21 reports.


In order to construct the new marina and improve the access to Astilleros de Huelva, Siport21 is carrying out -in their Real-Time Ship Manoeuvring Simulator- the navigability study to determinate the layout and dimensions of the new access channel.

The study to redesign the existing channel in the surroundings of the new Urban Marina, comprised a set of floating piers and ready to accommodate 400 pleasure craft, is being executed with the collaboration of the Local Pilots and the Maritime Authority, together with the technical team of the Port Authority.

The target ships are several vessels without propulsion-steering capacity heading for repair assisted by tugs, as well as floating docks for the construction of concrete caissons.

Recently, as part of the analysis, a face-to-face work session of the Huelva Pilot was held at the Simulation Center, with the support of the Nautical Advisors.

Representatives of the Maritime Authority, Port Authority and other Pilots had the opportunity to remotely attend the simulations as observers and actively collaborate in the debriefing sessions and in the conclusions of the study.

Throughout the project, and especially during the visit of the Huelva Pilot to Siport21 facilities, strict protocols regarding the prevention of COVID-19 have been followed, guaranteeing the safety and protection of both the Pilot and the entire team assigned to the project.