Port of Mackay dredging work complete

Operations & Maintenance

Maintenance dredging at the Port of Mackay has been successfully completed on schedule, reports the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation.


According to NQBP Chief Executive Officer Nicolas Fertin, the hopper dredger ‘Brisbane’ has departed the port after commencing dredging operations earlier this month.

“Completing the maintenance dredging on schedule was no mean feat in a marine environment where shipping schedules, tides and weather can all have an impact,” Mr Fertin said. “The completion of the maintenance dredging ensures our port can continue to keep trade flowing through the New Year and beyond.”

During this project, about 140,000m3 of natural sediment was removed from the Port of Mackay and placed at the approved Dredge Material Placement Area (DMPA), 2km north of Slade Islet.

The port officials also added that while dredging has been completed, minor bed-levelling works will continue into the New Year.

NQBP has managed the maintenance dredging program at the port for more than 60 years. The dredging works are part of a $17m package of infrastructure works being completed over the financial year, enhancing the port’s capacity to facilitate current and future trades.