CEDA releases paper on Soil Investigation

Authorities & Government

The Central Dredging Association (CEDA) today announced the release of its latest information paper on “Soil Investigation”.


This Information Paper, written by the focus group set up by the CEDA Dredging Management Commission (DMC), looks at the topic specifically in relation to dredging projects.

Inappropriate or insufficient soil investigation is widely acknowledged as one of the most important factors leading to cost increases, time overruns and disputes between the owner and contractor, on dredging and maritime projects.

The topic of soil investigation is addressed, in CEDA’s Checklist for Successful Dredging Management, as part of the preliminary studies that should be performed at the early project stage.

The preliminary studies help to inform all parties involved, about local physical conditions, and help define applicable design rules and employer requirements for each project.

In the case of major dredging or reclamation works, the soil investigation is often the most important study as it can significantly reduce, or limit, project risks and uncertainties.

Soil Investigation: An Information Paper focusses on these soil investigations but it is not a ‘How to’ guide, as there is already plenty of good literature available on the subject.

This new paper – drawing on CEDA’s rich member composition and range of expertise – focusses on the common issues and points of contention, that often arise between the different contracting and investing parties on a project, and how the related disputes can be avoided as much as possible.

The points made in the paper are illustrated, throughout the text, by real-life examples of good and bad practice. All examples of the issues surrounding soil investigation, and the lessons learned, have been kindly provided by CEDA members.

In the words of G. S. Littlejohn, author of Ground: Reducing the Risk (published by Thomas Telford), “You pay for soil investigation, whether you have one or not!”.

Soil Investigation: An Information Paper can be downloaded free of charge from the Resources section of the CEDA website.