Southsea piling work almost done

Operations & Maintenance

High winds and rough seas last week didn’t hinder the Southsea Coastal Scheme piling work, which is now within touching distance.

Southsea Coastal Scheme

According to the officials, the space between the rear and front pile lines is now clearly visible.

Further to the west, the crews are excavating in sections between the two pile lines in preparation for placement of the apron (sloping wall between front and rear pile lines) and promenade walls.

Section by section, the crews will be removing shingle and attaching a waling beam (horizontal beam fitted across the sheet piles to secure them) to the front pile line in order for the sloping apron wall to be fitted.

The officials also announced that all piling works on Frontage 1 (Long Curtain Moat) will be finished in the next couple of weeks.

The Southsea Coastal Scheme is a Portsmouth City Council project being delivered through Coastal Partners, with backing from the Environment Agency and UK Government.

The contractor for the scheme is VSBW, a joint venture between VolkerStevin and Boskalis Westminster. The partnership brings together two of the world’s leading maritime contractors; VolkerStevin focusing on marine civil engineering and Boskalis Westminster on dredging, land reclamation and marine construction.