Grand Haven dredging kicks off


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, started their Grand Haven dredging and beach nourishment project earlier this week.

Grand Haven State Park photo

Under the contract, heavy equipment will be operating on the shoreline at Grand Haven State Park to spread and level the sand being added to the beach.

Work already commenced at the north end of the beach near the pier and will progress towards the south until all the material is placed.

Grand Haven State Park photo

“During the project, we are unable to place our swim buoy’s in the water. Buoy’s will be placed as soon as possible as the project progresses/finishes,” Grand Haven State Park said.

“The State Park Beach, pier and boardwalk will all remain open. Fencing and signs will delineate the beach placement areas that beach-goers should avoid,” according to USACE.

Work is expected to wrap up on or near Friday, June 25th.