UKD ready for the next Port of Blyth dredging campaign

Operations & Maintenance

Trailing suction hopper dredger UKD Marlin, one of six vessels belonging to the UK Dredging (UKD) fleet, is about to begin next round of the summer maintenance dredging operations in the Port of Blyth.

Associated British Ports

According to the port officials, the campaign is expected to start on Friday 25th June 2021 and will continue for a period of approximately one week.

The maintenance dredging will begin at the port approaches, next to follow are the main navigational channel and operational commercial berths.

“This will include frequent trips to and from the spoil deposit ground approximately 3 miles ENE of the harbour East Pier and south bound past the wind turbine array,” said the Port of Blyth. “The works will be undertaken over a 24 hour period by the vessel ‘UKD ‘Marlin’ with latest information regarding the areas being dredged available on VHF Channel 12 (Blyth Harbour Radio).”

Maintenance dredging is undertaken annually to maintain charted depths and the port has a licence issued by the Marine & Fisheries Agency allowing all dredged material to be deposited in a licensed area.

Frequent silt sampling is undertaken in all dredge areas to ensure material is free from contamination and the port also operates its own tug/plough dredger, the Blyth Endeavour, that will assist the UKD Marlin in this dredging campaign.

The Blyth Endeavour is fitted with bed-levelling equipment, allowing for some movement of silt within the river without the need for intrusive dredging.