VIDEO: Constructing dredge pipeline with bare hands

Bunnal Tech has just released this unbelievable video showing a man constructing a dredge pipeline with his bare hands.

Bunnal Tech
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Hydraulic dredgers work by sucking a mixture of dredged material and water from the channel bottom. The amount of water sucked up with the material is controlled to make the best mixture.

Pipeline and hopper dredges are the two main types of hydraulic dredges.

Pipeline dredgers suck dredged material through one end and push it out the discharge pipeline directly into the disposal site.

Hopper dredgers are vessels with large hoppers, or containment areas, inside. The dredger suctions dredged material from the channel bottom through long intake pipes and stores it in the hoppers.

When the hoppers are full, the dredged material is either pumped off through a pipeline or the vessel travels to an in-water disposal site, where the dredged material is discharged through the bottom of the ship.

Disposal site selection for dredged material is one of the most important and challenging parts of planning a dredging project.

The most common disposal methods are beach renourishment, ocean placement and confined disposal facilities.