TSHD SHOALWAY to dredge areas within Portsmouth Harbour

Operations & Maintenance

The Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth announced today that Surveying Operations and Maintenance Dredging will begin next week in the maintained areas within Portsmouth Harbour and its approach channels.

Port of Waterford/Boskalis

According to the Notice LNTM No 26/22, the contractor responsible for the project is Boskalis Westminster Ltd.

TSHD “SHOALWAY” (LOA 97.7m), a trailing suction hopper dredger owned and operated by Boskalis, will be the backbone of this operation.

Also taking part in the project are plough vessel “FASTNET SOUND” (LOA 27m) and support vessel “SMIT NEYLAND” that will carry out the survey operations.

During the works, which are taking place from 15 to 26 February 2022, mariners are requested to keep a good lookout and pass at slow speed. All dredging and surveying craft will maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch 11 throughout operations.