TSHD Tommy Norton scheduled for dry docking in May

Gippsland Ports recently provided a regular update on the planned and actual progress of the dredging activities at the Lakes Entrance, Victoria.

Gippsland Ports

Summarizing the 2021 season, Gippsland Ports said that 570 loads of dredged material have been placed in the Dredged Material Grounds. They also added that during the season 312,956m3 of sand was dredged from the Lakes Entrance, with 157,022m3 being removed from The Bar and 155,934m3 of sand removed from the Inner Channels.

TSHD Tommy Norton at Lakes Entrance/Gippsland Ports photo

As reported, notable achievements in 2021 include:

Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge (TSHD) Tommy Norton

  • Tommy Norton dredged 66% of available days. Dredging opportunity is limited by prevailing weather and sea conditions;
  • >4,000m3 dredged in a day;
  • >40,000m3 dredged in a month;
  • >300,000m3 dredged in the year, which is the annual volume that Tommy Norton is designed to be able to achieve at Lakes Entrance.

Cutter Suction Dredge Kalimna

  • Kalimna completed major slipping and maintenance;
  • Dredged the Bullock Island Boatyard harbour to improve access for vessels;
  • Dredged the lower North Arm to provide safe access to vessels using the Lakes Entrance on-water refuelling facility;
  • Provided material from North Arm to the renourish Bullock Island beach areas behind the rebuilt seawall for DELWP.

According to Gippsland Ports, Tommy Norton is scheduled to go to dry dock from mid-May to mid-June to complete 5 year out-of-water maintenance and complete 5 year Class survey requirements.

To download the full 2021-2022 Dredging Activity Report, please visit the Gippsland Ports website.