Buxton beach renourishment project moving on

Operations & Maintenance

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. has announced that the hopper dredge Liberty Island has returned to Dare County to resume the Buxton beach renourishment project.

Coastal Science & Engineering

“On Thursday morning, July 28, 2022, the Liberty Island returned from a brief stay in Norfolk, Virginia, for repairs, maintenance and refueling,” said GLDD in the update. “Pumping operations resumed in front of Ocean Drive at 11:11 a.m. and proceeded north.”

According to GLDD, construction will continue to progress north from the current landing point located near the south end of Tower Circle until the northern limit of the Village of Buxton is reached.

Aerial image of sand pumping for beach nourishment in Buxton, taken on July 28, 2022.

As of July 28, 2022, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. has placed over 410,000 cubic yards of sand along 3,000 feet of oceanfront in Buxton.

This volume is equivalent to approximately 35 percent of the total project volume. The 1.2 million cubic yard beach renourishment project is expected to be completed by mid- to late September.