Emergency work underway at Hayling Island

Operations & Maintenance

Following the severe weather that hit Hayling Island in late November, emergency work is now underway to restore the beach to a high level of protection.

Coastal Partners

To restore the beach profile again, Coastal Partners are undertaking emergency beach recycling works; extracting shingle from Hayling Golf Club land at Gunner Point, and placing the material along the residential frontage at Eastoke.

As reported, the work is likely to take up to 10 days, Monday to Friday; 6am to 10pm. The contractor will work a 10 hour day during these hours, most likely between 7am and 5pm.

The Eastoke peninsula is a densely populated area. The majority of it is low-lying with a record of serious flood incidents prior to 1985. In 1985 the beach nourishment scheme was implemented, creating a man-made beach in front of the now redundant seawall.

Coastal processes are constantly eroding this frontage and without periodic maintenance the redundant concrete seawall would again be exposed. As a result, regular serious flooding of Eastoke would commence, allowing ongoing erosion of the coastline.

To restore beach levels and maintain the standard of protection against coastal flood and erosion risk to the residents of Eastoke, Hayling Island, the contractor will use land-based machinery to transport from 10,000-30,000m3 along the coast. This will raise the beach profile to the recommended 1:2000 year standard of protection.