Miss Katie dredger returns to Hatteras Inlet in March


The Oregon Inlet Task Force approved a request at its February meeting for the county-managed-dredge Miss Katie to return to Hatteras Inlet’s Connector Channel in mid-March to perform an additional dredging project, contingent upon good weather and channel conditions.

Dare County

According to the Island Free Press, the Miss Katie recently completed a 10-day dredging event in the Connector Channel on February 5, with 14,172 cubic yards of material removed and dumped off the Ocracoke nearshore disposal site.

Dare County photo

The 156-foot dredge, christened on October 13 at a ceremony in Wanchese, had already been working in Oregon Inlet since the fall of 2022, but the late January dredging event was the first time that she worked in the channels of Hatteras Inlet.

The Oregon Inlet Task Force has been charged by Dare County to manage the dredge, including its operation schedule and project monitoring, and as a proactive measure, the Dare County Waterways Commission voted at their February meeting to request a second visit by the end of March.