Sand renourishment for Jimmys Beach about to start


MidCoast Council is about to undertake a sand renourishment program onto Jimmys Beach in the following days to protect the area from coastal erosion.

MidCoast Council photo

“Sand renourishment is undertaken each autumn to provide a buffer to protect assets such as the road,” said Council’s Director of Engineering and Infrastructure Services, Robert Scott.

Jimmys Beach is located on the Winda Woppa peninsula at Hawks Nest. It is one of 15 coastal areas identified by the NSW Government as a coastal erosion hotspot.

Dredging of the eastern channel of the Myall River provides the sand for the program.

“Continued dredging of the channel assists recreational boating which is important to the community,” added Scott.

Works will take place between 15 and 26 May, weather permitting.

The sand buffer will be eroded by the ocean, protecting the existing coastline on a temporary basis, said the Council.