USACE report on the Akutan Harbor navigational improvements


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District has prepared a new feasibility report and environmental assessment for navigational improvements at Akutan Harbor on Akun Island and is seeking public comment on the draft document.

Photo courtesy of USACE

USACE proposes to construct a harbor on the island to accommodate vessels with a length of up to 58 feet and a draft of eight feet. A 450-foot-long rubble mound breakwater would protect a 120-foot by 120-foot turning basin as well.

Both the entrance channel and turning basin would be dredged to a depth of minus 15 feet. The channel would have a minimum width of 60 feet to a maximum width of 120 feet when turning around at the nose of the breakwater. Blasting would be required for the turning basin and entrance channel in this location.

The draft report is available for review until July 31 and may be viewed on the Alaska District’s website.