All set for Canal del Dique dredging operations

Operations & Maintenance

Colombia’s National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) has just announced the start of maintenance dredging project named “Restoration of the Degraded Ecosystems of the Canal del Dique” being conducted in order to maintain navigability in the Canal.

Photo courtesy of AIN

According to ANI, the contractor Dragados HidrĂ¡ulicos SA will begin dredging work in the coming days in the Calamar and Pasacaballos areas of the waterway.

The Agency also added that two dredgers dredgers will be used for the purpose: one between kilometer 1 and kilometer 4 in Calamar and another at kilometer 115 towards the mouth of the Cartagena Bay.

In total, an average of 3,000 cubic meters of material is to be removed daily from the Canal over the course of the project. Completion of the works is expected in early 2024.