Gaico’s cutter suction dredger ready for Pomeroon dredging


Gaico Construction and General Services’ cutter suction dredger is on its way to Pomeroon, in the Guyana region, to move into phase two of the Pomeroon River dredging program.

Gaico photo

According to Gaico, over the next few days, the dredging crews will be mobilized and get themselves set up and prepared to commence dredging.

“All vessel operators are advised to keep 500 feet away from the dredge, since it will be having anchored within that area,” the company said.

Back in April, 2022 the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) under the Ministry of Agriculture signed a $569,300,000 contract with Gaico for the dredging operations at the mouth of the Pomeroon River.

For years now, farmers from villages along the river had been plagued by inadequate drainage due to extreme siltation at its mouth, according to local media.