Sandpiper to dredge White River entrance channel


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Little Rock District has released latest update for the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System.

Photo courtesy of USACE

According to the Corps, all traffic on the locking queue at Montgomery Point Lock & Dam (NM 0.5) has been cleared and normal locking procedures have begun.

However, dredging operations downstream of the Montgomery Point Lock & Dam (NM 0.5) are ongoing. Barring any delays, the Dredge Sandpiper is expected to reconfigure this week to begin dredging the downstream approach to the lock, working along the right descending side of the navigation channel.

The FY23 budget allocated $88.9 million in operations and maintenance funds to provide reliable navigation via the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System.

The 445-mile navigation channel begins at the confluence of the White and Mississippi Rivers and proceeds one-half mile upstream on the White River to the Montgomery Point Lock and Dam.