More time to comment the MKARNS 12-foot channel deepening project

Business development

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District is extending public comment period for the draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment and draft Finding of No Significant Impact for the McClellan–Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS) 12-foot Channel Deepening Project.

Photo courtesy of USACE

According to USACE, the comment period is being extended due to unforeseen circumstances. The extension will ensure full public participation and allow the public more time to send in their responses.

The aim of the Project is to increase the navigation channel to a minimum navigable depth of 12-feet throughout the MKARNS.

Deepening the channel is set to allow the existing inland commercial fleet to sail at deeper drafts that are consistent with those on the Lower Mississippi River.

The project will require placing rock structures to scour the channel, dredging the channel and utilizing in-water and upland dredge disposal sites throughout the project area.

The deadline to send comments on the proposed MKARNS 12-foot Channel Deepening Project is March 10.