Boskalis completes unique operation off the coast of Dampier


Around 200 kilometers off the coast of Dampier in northwest Australia, Boskalis has safely completed a unique operation.

Photo courtesy of Boskalis

At a record depth of 600 meters, Boskalis’ BOKA Tiamat undertook excavation works at the continental slope: the steep zone where the seabed transitions from the continental shelf to the deep sea.

The BOKA Tiamat was equipped with a specially developed grab for this purpose. Supported by a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), part of the steep slope was flattened to enable the future installation of a pipeline.

Never before had Boskalis executed excavation work at such depths. The BOKA Tiamat had just set this ‘record’ when she took on her next deep-sea assignment: installing ten 17-ton concrete mattresses at a depth of 1,000 meters supported by an ROV. These mattresses serve as a steppingstone for the future pipeline, allowing it to safely cross the existing infrastructure on the seabed, reported the company.

With this deep sea excavation and installation operation, Boskalis adds another unique set of skills to its long list of capabilities.