Port of Gdansk: Rudowe and Bytomskie deals signed, dredging included

Business development

The President of the Port of Gdańsk, Krzysztof Kaczmarek, signed two agreements with PORR S.A. for the upgrade of Rudowe and Bytomskie Quays earlier this week.

photo courtesy of Port of Gdańsk

The total length of the quays to be reconstructed is over 450 metres. The investment is part of a larger project that has been co-financed by Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 (CEF 2). 

The first two quays to be rebuilt are Bytomskie Quay, located along the Port Channel, and Rudowe Quay, located in the Mining Basin.

Other quays (Wiślane and Węglowe) are due for an upgrade at a later date.

The expansion of Rudowe Quay III, which is about to start, is going to include a 232.5m-long section and an 18 m-long section of Administracyjne Quay. The project envisages a new quay with a slab structure supported on a grid of reinforced concrete piles, with steel combined sheet piles at the front.

The quay will also feature a 265m rail track. As a result of the dredging work, part of the Mining Basin will be deepened to 11.20m (currently the depth is between 6.1m and 10.2m).

Unlike Rudowe Quay, Bytomskie Quay is currently used for ship handling and cargo handling. Due to the unsatisfactory technical condition of the existing slab section of the quay, and to allow larger vessels to berth, ZMPG has decided to rebuild it.

Two sections will be upgraded: the slab section, which is approximately 143m long, and the sloping section, which is 60m long.

With this task, the quay will be extended to 203m by land reclamation of the 60m sloping quay.