Dredger Strandway reclaiming new land in Rotterdam (PHOTO)


Damen has today released a beautiful picture of the Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) Strandway in action in the Port of Rotterdam.

Photo courtesy of Rabien Bahadoer/Damen

Equipped with Damen Dredging Equipment, the Boskalis TSHD is playing an important role in the Rijnland reclamation project.

The project will see the construction of 2,500 new apartments, together with recreational spaces. To do so, the dredger is working together with the spray pontoon Steenbok to pump around 1.2 million cubic meters of sand needed for the Rijnhaven project.

Strandway is playing her part, dredging this sand from the Dutch coast and bringing it daily into the heart of the city.