Phase II of Mississippi Levee Project Kicks Off

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, began construction efforts on the second phase of the project to raise the East Bank Mississippi River levee in Jefferson Parish to its congressionally-authorized heights. 

This project is part of the Mississippi River and Tributaries project designed to provide flood damage risk reduction to residents and businesses of greater New Orleans.

The project is divided into two phases, a 4.2 mile reach that began at the Orleans Parish line and ends near Crislaur Ave. and a 4.5 mile reach that begins at Orchard Rd. and ends at the St. Charles Parish line.

Work on phase 2, between Orchard Road and the St. Charles-Jefferson parish line will be conducted in approximately 5,000 feet sections, beginning on the downriver portion of the reach.

In general, the height of the levee will be increased an average of 2 feet as well clearing any trees and vegetation growing within the levee section. Earthwork will be mainly limited to the upper portions of the levee.

The second phase of work is expected to be complete in early summer 2016, subject to adverse weather delays and river stages.

Construction activities on Phase 1 are substantially complete.

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