USA: Louisiana Collects and Removes Oil From E-4 Chandeleur Island Sand Berm

Louisiana National Guardsmen with the 225th Engineer Brigade collected 28 bags or approximately 700 pounds of oily debris on the state built E-4 berm at the Chandeleur Island chain.

This comes on the heals of another 500 pounds of oily debris that was previously discovered, totaling 1,200 pounds of oiled debris removed to date.

The E-4 berm was a part of Governor Jindal’s multifaceted strategy for fighting oil off the coast. Beach fronts and sand berms are recognized by oil spill response officials and the U.S. Coast Guard as best practices for collection and removal of oil.

Both the Coast Guard and BP contractors recommend that oil be allowed to collect along the shore for removal as a more effective measure than a booming defense strategy.

On July 14 over 60,000 cubic yards of dredge material was placed on the E-4 berm.

In addition, nine hopper dredge loads totaling approximately 30,000 cubic yards of sand were deposited into the sand re-handling area for the middle portion of the E-4 berm.

On the west side of the river, three hopper dredges are depositing material into the sand re-handling area for Pelican and Scofield Islands.

In addition, a cutter head dredge removed material in Pass a Loutre – helping to restore the river flow to this important area that has experienced heavy oiling.



Source: thegovmonitor, July 29, 2010;