The Netherlands: Training Institute for Dredging Ends a Successful Year

In 2010 TID and Guangzhou Dredging Company have initiated the joint development of a competence management programme for cutter operators. With the use of this programme individual competences of cutter operators can be rated. This enables the HR department to identify training needs, measure the effect of training and to optimize the deployment of cutter operators per dredger or project.

As part of this program first all required competences were identified, after which a competence assessment of all operators was performed. Processing the results of this assessment gave valuable information for the HR department and confirmed the chosen development for a competence management system.

The newly developed scan has given TID the opportunity to structurally identify the training needs for the operating crew of a cutter dredger. In the end this can result in more effective and to the point training made to fulfill the specific requirements of TID’s clients.


Source: dredgetraining, December 23, 2010