USA: Ellicott Engineers Use Latest in 3D SolidWorks Design Technology

Ellicott Engineers Use Latest in 3D SolidWorks Design Technology

Even with over a century of experience in the dredging industry, Ellicott understands the need to incorporate the latest technology into all stages of its production cycle from design through testing. The Ellicott engineering department has recently integrated the latest in 3D CAD software, SolidWorks, into its design process.

The intuitive design interface allows our engineers to develop standard and custom dredges more efficiently, quickly, and cost-effectively. These advantages directly benefit Ellicott’s customers by reducing pricing and enabling design deadlines to be met. In addition, these 3D designs allow Ellicott’s customers to visually examine their dredge during the engineering process.

Ellicott Engineering Manager Eric Schickler feels “This modern designing system helps us increase our manufacturing efficiency and eases design communications between Engineering and Manufacturing by allowing assembly personnel to really see what something is supposed to look like when they’re finished rather than wondering if this is what we really wanted. It also allows my teams to visualize the fully assembled dredge, and its subassembled sections, to easily identify potential interference issues before the first piece of metal is even touched. In addition, our custom design customers appreciate the visual representations we provide during the design process. It allows them to provide feedback as the design progresses.”


Source: dredge, September 27, 2011